A city in China has actually found spaces under overhead bridges useful and has built residential apartments for its people there.
Some residents in Guiyang city in China have found themselves living directly under a major bridge known as the Shuikousi Bridge, where they comfortably spend their lives, with vehicles passing on the bridge to their delight.
According to Daily Mail of UK, when the bridge was completed in 1997, authorities of the province mooted the idea of using the spaces under it for building residential apartments due to shortage of homes for many of the residents.
Two years later, about 10 residential buildings were built under the bridge as low-rent housing as well as resettlement housing projects, and gradually, more buildings were added in the various spaces under the bridge.
According to the report, last year, the authorities of the city banned lorries, trailers and other articulated vehicles from plying the bridge apparently in order to save the occupants of the building not only from the heavy noise from those vehicles, but also to stop the buildings from vibrating as a result of the sizes of the vehicles.
Some of the occupants of the buildings told Daily Mail that they had become so used to life under the bridge that they cannot live elsewhere as they added that they always behold the beauty of the bridge in the night as well as the various headlamps of vehicles that move on it round the clock.
While governments in places like Lagos State, Nigeria are doing everything possible to evict people living under bridges and dismantle structures built under them.