Big Brother Naija (BBNaija) Housemate, Saga has broken into tears over Nini’s unexpected disappearance from the house.
Saga was seen crying in the garden after the morning exercise on Wenesday.
Chronicle Ng reported that Nini had been told by Big Brother to leave the house through a secret exit for twenty four hours.
She was asked to keep this information from other housemates.
The latest development caused confusion in the house as the other participants refused to sleep in their rooms over her sudden unexplained absence.
Nini had told Big Brother that she missed being with her family and loved ones and has fallen into an emotional crisis as a result.

Nini left the house through a secret exit on Tuesday midnight.
Big Brother said, “Upstairs in the games lounge, there is a secret emergency exit. Tonight, while all the housemates are asleep, you are to use this secret exit to leave the house.
“You will stay out of the house for twenty four hours before returning back.
“Nini, this is a top-secret mission. This means you cannot disclose it to anyone in the house.
“The secret emergency door is the window right next to the trophy cabinet. All you have to do is to stand next to the window when you are ready to leave the house, and the window will automatically open for you.”

“While all the housemates are asleep, use the secret exit to leave the house and stay out of the house for 24 hours before returning back.
“This is a top-secret mission and you cannot disclose it to anyone. Feign ignorance when questions are asked,” he noted.
Nini’s task is percieved to put the other housemates on their toes and to also spice up some drama amongst them.
Big Brother also asked her to carry a bag with some of the essential items she might need during her exit.
Giving the final instructions for the prank, Big Brother said, “Upon your return to the house, you must not tell anyone in the house that you left the house. When questions are asked, you must feign ignorance.”